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Message Board [Invision Power Board]

Message Board [Invision Power Board]

Today is Sunday, July 27nd, 2012.

We all remember that Omega was found in the future left in scraps and ashes. Omega is not hinted in carrying the ability to use Chaos Control. Yes, as the cutscene shows: Rouge has a Chaos Emerald.

Shadow discovers that Omega is in standby mode.
Rouge asks, "What could  have possibly happened to create this future?"

Apparently when Shadow and Rouge arrived, Rouge receives a communication response from G.U.N.
Apparently, their communicators can reach the other ends of each other among different timelines. How strange. And they still couldn't figure out what year it was after checking the computer for a year check. How bizarre.

Rouge is shown giving Omega a Chaos Emerald. Simple cutscene.

Coincidence? The future Omega was altered to accept Rouge's Chaos Emerald and was then reactivated in the future as he is shown coming to the rescue, even though Shadow can ultimately take care of himself.

Let's not forget in Sonic Generations, Shadow is shown at the end of the game shouting out to Sonic, "you've got this Sonic!" Just shows that Sega didn't really want to get Shadow involved since into the game does focus more on Sonic, not Shadow or  Silver when we are already aware that they both can turn Super, too. However, there's no excuse here. If the player wants to see Shadow beg for mercy, then why put him up as a playable character in the first place instead of a side playable character in own game!?

Now, about that Future Omega...

Omega is seen jumping with Shadow to the present timeline after last seen going through another portal. This of course, is a time traveling predicament that Omega has not used Chaos Control to get to Shadow from the past into the future, guaranteeding a major plot-hole that Omega has conspicuously jumped into the present time. This abides by the well known fact that there are now two Omegas and two Chaos Emeralds in the present time period. However, this is not the same colored Chaos Emerald that Mephiles has on him. So yes, two Omegas. This is a paradox.

The Mephiles Domain